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Historic U.S. Fires, 1871-2003: Home

Fires that had lasting impact

About this guide

This guide looks at a range of fires with links to library materials and other sources for further study. It is not a comprehensive list. Some of the events covered are relatively obscure and some are well known, while some fires, such as the World Trade Center attack of September 11, are not included. That singular event deserves a guide of its own.

A word about categories: This guide looks at fires in different settings,occupancies, or structures, each with its own unique challenges. Some of the fires outlined here could fall into several categories. Some hotel fires, for example, occurred in high rise buildings but hotels are unique because they serve a transient population which may be unfamiliar with the layout of the building. Prison fires must be extinguished with an eye to keeping the inmates inside, while the very young, the very old, and the infirm need extra help while evacuating schools, nursing homes, or hospitals.

Some of these fires inspired changes in building and fire codes, while others occurred despite the relevant codes being more or less in place. Fire and building codes and standards are developed via consensus--a process that takes time and that evolves as technology evolves. Code adoption is another issue. In many cases, codes are not adopted, or they are ignored or unenforced until after a devastating fire. Such is the case, for example, in myriad public occupancy fires, from the Iroquois Theater fire to the Station Nightclub inferno, which you will find in this guide.

A word about dates: This guide covers fires in the 19th and 20th Centuries, with the exception of the Station Nightclub Fire, which occurred in 2003 and is included because, unfortunately, it is an exemplar of the issues that keep arising with regard to public assembly fires despite myriad code changes.

How to navigate this guide

Click on the individual tabs to move from section to section. Hover your cursor over each tab to see a list of the individual fires covered in each section. Click on the named fire within each section to read.

Historic fires and code development

Selected materials @ NETC Library


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Rachel Sawyer